This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep. The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life and process, transcending the work to explore his legacy. Personal reflections from Max Richter, and visual archive from his long-term creative partner, the BAFTA winning filmmaker, Yu...,还免费提供纪录片马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会在线观看,还同时提供马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会剧情介绍、演员表、上映时间、上映地区、视频图片等影片信息。" />
This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep. The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life and process, transcending the work to explore his legacy. Personal reflections from Max Richter, and visual archive from his long-term creative partner, the BAFTA winning filmmaker, Yu...
,同时青柠影院提供电影马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会全集高清未删减完整版在线观看,马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会手机免费观看,青柠影院从互联网自动 收集了精彩电视剧《马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会》片源供广大影视爱好者分享,请大家支持正版电视剧。,想看更多的相关影视作品,请收藏我们的网站:http://www.kopadator.com影片:马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会
全名:马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会电影免费在线观看完整版
导演:Natalie Johns
更新时间:2024-03-18 18:23
《马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会》电影的主要内容
《马克思·里希特 睡梦 音乐会》是一部纪录片电影,由导演:Natalie Johns执导,主演:马克斯·李希特,
This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep. The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life and process, transcending the work to explore his legacy. Personal reflections from Max Richter, and visual archive from his long-term creative partner, the BAFTA winning filmmaker, Yu...
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